An Open Letter to the Sedition Caucus

SE Reed/Selena Laurence
3 min readJan 5, 2021

Dear Sedition Caucus:

We see you.

We see you from across the country, and we see you from across the street. We see that you have no respect for the tenets of this nation, and we see that you do not care about the will of the people who put you in office.

We are not only Black, Latinx, LGBTQ, young, female, liberal, urban and poor. You can not ignore us thinking that we aren’t “your” people, because we are also white, wealthy, middle-aged, seniors, Christian, suburban, small town, and conservative. We are the people of this country who cast our votes in the midst of a global pandemic and expected them to be honored, and we are furious that you think you can ignore us.

We see you, Sedition Caucus, and we will not forget.

We will not forget that you have joined the most undemocratic rebellion in the modern history of the United States. We will not forget that your own insatiable craving for power has allowed an authoritarian to cast aspersions on the hard-working Americans who administer our elections throughout the nation, and the sacred process that has striven to honor the will of the people for over two centuries.

We will not forget, Sedition Caucus, that with absolutely no evidence, with rulings to the contrary by legitimate courts throughout the nation, with recordings of the President himself seeking to strong-arm officials into “finding” more votes and “recalculating” results, you are actively engaging in blatant…



SE Reed/Selena Laurence

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